Monthly Archives: June 2022
What’s the “Emotional” Return on Investment of a New Home?
Chances are, you’ve heard the expression, “Your home is your biggestinvestment.” For most homeowners, that’s true. So, when you’re shopping fora new home, it’s important to consider the financial ramifications of anypurchase. Ideally, you want a home that is likely to increase in value over time.In other words, you want a home with a strong... Read More
Moving Yourself vs. Hiring Professionals
When you buy a new home and moving day is looming, it can be tempting toconsider doing the move yourself. After all, by not hiring a moving company,you’re saving money.It is true, the DIY approach can lower your moving costs, which is money youcan put towards needed fixes and upgrades to your new property.But, you’re... Read More